Archived News

  • Volunteer Deadline Quickly Approaching

    Published: January 27, 2023

    We would like to remind Residents that homeowner input and involvement is wanted and needed. The Board of Directors are seeking volunteers for the formation of Social, Neighborhood / Crime Watch, and/or Advisory Committees. Please notate on Volunteer Form which Committee(s) you are interested in joining and return completed form to Cinnamon Anderson at or Crissy Ketchersid at Please note, to volunteer for a committee, you must be the legal Owner of Record. The deadline for returning your volunteer form is 2/5/2023 by 5:00p.m. Click Full Story for more information.

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  • Winter Weather Is Approaching

    Published: January 18, 2023

    Helpful Tips. Click Full Story for more information.

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  • Committee Volunteer Deadline Extended

    Published: January 09, 2023

    The Board of Directors have extended the deadline for Committee Volunteers to 2/6/2023 at 5pm. Volunteers are needed for the formation of Social, Neighborhood / Crime Watch, and/or Advisory Committees. Please notate on Volunteer Form which Committee(s) you are interested in joining and return completed form to Cinnamon Anderson at or Crissy Ketchersid at Please note, to volunteer for a committee, you must be the legal Owner of Record. Click Full Story for more information.

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