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Summer Lawn Care Tips

Published: July 21, 2022

We want to communicate to you that with the recent drought/electricity concerns that we are experiencing throughout the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex, our landscaping vendor(s) are working as diligently as possible to keep everything under control. The landscaping vendor(s) are mowing/watering as much as they can without causing damage to the turf areas/common areas.

Due to the hot temperatures & water restrictions, landscapers are putting any plant/shrub/tree replacements on hold as well as, chemical applications. Owners may see common areas & neighboring lawns in a state of decline. Please be advised that Management is aware of the possible issues that may arise and appreciate your patience during this time.

If you have any questions or concerns, we encourage you to:
Please use our Web Submission Resource Tool- You can log into your Association’s website at If you have not already registered to your Association’s website, please consider doing so today. Once you are registered, you will have access to various resources and benefits such as; viewing your account, making payments, accessing community documents and you will be able to submit questions or concerns via our web submission tool and can reach all of our departments (Compliance, Maintenance, Billing, ACC, General Questions, etc.). We monitor on a daily basis for fast response and resolution.

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