Archived News

  • Upcoming Assessments Reminder

    Published: December 29, 2022

    This is a courtesy reminder of your upcoming assessment that will be posted to your account January 1, 2023 and will be due no later than January 31st. If you have already submitted your payment for the assessment, please disregard this notice. Click Full Story for more information.

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  • Volunteers Needed

    Published: December 15, 2022

    The Board of Directors are seeking volunteers for the formation of Social, Neighborhood / Crime Watch, and/or Advisory Committees. If you are interested in joining one or more of the above-mentioned committees, please complete and return the volunteer form now available on the Association’s website. Click Full Story for more information

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  • Community Survey

    Published: November 17, 2022

    We are pleased to announce that the Community Survey is now open and will be available until 5:00p.m. Friday, December 9th, 2022. Click Full Story for more information.

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  • Winter Weather is Here

    Published: November 04, 2022

    Helpful Tips: Keep your heat set at least 68 degrees When below freezing temperatures are forecast, allow warm water to drip in your faucet(s). Kitchen and bathroom faucets are usually the best. Know where your main water shut off valve is in case you need to shut off the water to your home. Click Full Story for more information.

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  • Atmos Flags and Construction

    Published: October 08, 2022

    As many homeowners may have noticed there are Atmos flags that have been placed in yards located within the Alcove at Hickory Creek community. The flags are a precursor to the upcoming utility work. SLP Utilities is working to place Fiber Optic cable for Grande Communications. Click Full Story for more information.

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  • Summer Lawn Care Tips

    Published: July 21, 2022

    We want to communicate to you that with the recent drought/electricity concerns that we are experiencing throughout the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex, our landscaping vendor(s) are working as diligently as possible to keep everything under control. The landscaping vendor(s) are mowing/watering as much as they can without causing damage to the turf areas/common areas. Due to the hot temperatures & water restrictions, landscapers are putting any plant/shrub/tree replacements on hold as well as, chemical applications. Owners may see common areas & neighboring lawns in a state of decline. Please be advised that Management is aware of the possible issues that may arise and appreciate your patience during this time. Click Full Story for more information.

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  • Extended Call for Candidates

    Published: June 25, 2022

    As a reminder of our upcoming Annual Election Meeting of the Members, we would like to inform you that the Candidacy date has been extended to next Thursday, June 30, 2022. If you would like to nominate yourself or another Member as a candidate for the Board of Directors, please log into your Community’s Webpage to complete the form. Due to the meeting being held virtually, floor nominations and write-in candidates cannot be accepted during the meeting. In order to ensure that the candidate’s name is placed on the ballot, the Association must receive the completed Candidacy Form no later than Thursday, June 30, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. Click Full Story for more information.

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  • Call For Candidates

    Published: June 10, 2022

    We are pleased to announce that a Virtual Annual Election Meeting of the Members has been scheduled for Thursday, July 14, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. The purpose of the meeting will be to elect three (3) members to the Board of Directors and to discuss normal business of the Association. Click Full Story for more information.

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  • New Landscape Company

    Published: April 07, 2022

    We would like to inform the homeowners that a new landscape contract with a new vendor, U.S. Site Services, has gone into effect April 1st, 2022. Homeowners should expect to see a change in landscape crews, trucks & service dates. Please bear in mind that within the next several weeks as the new landscaper performs regular contractual maintenance, homeowners may see a slight or minimal change in services as the landscape company familiarizes themselves with the community & scope. Our goal is for a seamless transition with no noticeable or major differences. Thank you in your continued efforts to keep our community beautiful. Click Full Story for more information.

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  • Website Launch

    Published: April 04, 2022

    The Alcove at Hickory Creek HOA and its board of directors are proud to announce the launch of its new homeowner website. This website is designed to provide a direct line of communication to our homeowners from the board of directors, property management company, and other homeowners.

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